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Política de Privacidade e de Cookies

Privacy and Personal Data
Protection Policy

Why this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy?​

This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy arises because we intend to inform our Customers and Users of the general rules of privacy and processing of their personal data, which we collect and process in strict respect and compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data in force. , namely, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”.

The Climax respects the best practices in the field of security and protection of personal data, having for this purpose approved technical and organizational measures capable of safeguarding the protection of the data made available to us by all those who in some way relate to the Climax.

In this context, the Climax has a Person in Charge for the Protection of Personal Data responsible for implementing and verifying this Privacy Policy, as well as for defining clear rules for the processing of personal data, ensuring that all those who entrust us with the treatment of their personal data, are aware of how Climax treats data and what rights they have in this regard.


Intellectual property rights​​

The contents contained in the website, including, without limitation, the images, texts, software, photographs, sound, music, videos, interactive features and the like ("Content"), the brands and logos, or any other rights of industrial or intellectual property contained therein are the property of the Climax, their use by unauthorized third parties being expressly prohibited.​

The content of the website is provided for information and personal use only, and cannot be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, disseminated, sold, licensed or, in any other way, exploited for any other purpose without prior written consent. of the respective owners. The user declares not to use, disable or interfere with security-related features of the Website.

The user may, however, print material contained in this website, provided that it is not altered, whether for personal and non-commercial use, and maintains the indication of the source and copyright, and provided that any other indication of ownership is not removed.

Nothing on this website should be interpreted as granting any type of license or other authorization to use its users.

The website may contain images or other materials whose copyright belongs to third parties, such as suppliers or other entities that contribute to its creation or maintenance (such as, for example, stock photos).
Although the personal data provided to the Climax is within the scope of the privacy and data processing policy contained in these terms and conditions of use, any information or other content that the user transmits through this website, whether through email, sending files or otherwise, will be deemed non-confidential and non-proprietary.


Contents and guarantees​

The user agrees that the use of the website is at his own risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Climax disclaims any warranties, express or implied, in relation to the use of the website. Climax does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of the content made available on its websites, and does not assume any responsibility or liability for any (i) errors or inaccurate content, (ii) personal injury or damage to property of any nature resulting from accessing and using the website and application, (iii) unauthorized access or use of our secure servers and/or personal and/or financial information stored therein, (iv) interruptions or cessation of transmission to or from our website, (iv) errors, viruses, trojan viruses or the like that may be transmitted to or through the website, and/or (v) errors or omissions in content or any loss or damage incurred as a result of using of content published, sent, transmitted or made available through the website (vi) unavailability or any difficulty or inability to download or access the content or any other failure in the communication system that may result in the unavailability of the website.

The Climax will not be responsible for any assistance or maintenance of the website.

Climax reserves the right to make changes and corrections, change the name, suspend or close the website [https://www.climaxoficial.com/] when it deems appropriate and without prior notice to users.

The Climax assumes no responsibility or liability for content transmitted between users or between them and any third party outside this website.​


Liability, Use and Risk​

To the extent permitted by law, Climax and all its legal representatives, as well as any other party involved in the creation, production, maintenance or implementation of this website, will not be liable to any user of the website for any possible damage , damage or injury (including any loss of lost profit and pain and suffering, any indirect, accidental or consequential loss) arising from the correct or incorrect use of this website and its content, access to the computer, mobile phone / smartphone or tablet or computer system of the user by third parties, or any viruses, etc.

This website contains links to third party websites. These links are provided solely for convenience and easier access by the user. The existence of said links does not mean that Climax has any rights over the contents of said sites. Climax does not verify its content and is not responsible for the content of any of these sites or for any fact arising from their use or viewing, not yet verifying that they are free of any viruses or other items that may cause harm to the user. . Accessing and visiting any of these third-party websites is carried out at the user's entire risk, with the user being responsible for any use and/or the consequences resulting therefrom.

The use of the website for illegal purposes or any other purposes that may be considered unworthy of the Climax image is expressly prohibited. The usurpation, counterfeiting, use of usurped or counterfeit content, illegitimate identification and unfair competition are criminally punishable.

It is also prohibited for the user to create or introduce any type of virus or program that damages or contaminates this website or advises third parties to do so. The practice of said infraction is punished under the terms of the law.


What does this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy cover?​

This Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data for which the Climax is responsible for the respective treatment, within the scope of the services and products made available to its Customers and Users and in all situations in which that personal data is processed.

On the company's websites you can find access links to other websites that are unrelated to the Climax. The provision of such links is carried out in good faith, and the Climax cannot be held responsible for the collection and processing of personal data carried out on these websites, nor be held responsible for the accuracy, credibility and functionality of websites belonging to third parties.

Thus, the provision of links to other websites outside the Climax does not imply any assumption of responsibility in relation to such websites, and therefore this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy is not applicable to them. Climax considers it mandatory to read the Privacy Policies of all the websites you visit.​


What are personal data?​

When we refer to personal data, we mean any information, of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

A person who can be identified directly or indirectly, namely by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity, is considered identifiable.


​What is the processing of personal data?

The processing of personal data consists of an operation or set of operations carried out on personal data or sets of personal data, through automated means, or not, namely the collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure, dissemination, comparison, interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.​


Who is responsible for data processing?​

The entity responsible for the collection and processing of personal data is the Climax, which provides the service and which, in the context, decides which data is collected, the means of processing the data and for what purposes it is used.​


Who is in charge of data protection?​

The person in charge of data protection plays a relevant role in the processing of personal data, ensuring, among other aspects, the compliance of data processing with the legislation in force, verifying compliance with this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy and defining clear rules for the processing of personal data, ensuring that all those who entrust the processing of their personal data to it are aware of how Climax treats them and what rights they have in this matter.

Thus, the holders of personal data, if they so wish, may address a communication to the Data Protection Officer, regarding matters related to the processing of personal data, using, for this purpose, the following contact: rgpd@aquinos.pt​


What type of personal data do we collect?​

The Climax, within the scope of its activity, collects and processes the personal data necessary for the provision of services and/or supply of products, processing in this context data such as name and email address (contact forms).​


When and how do we collect your data?​

The Climax collects your data by telephone, in writing or through its websites, guaranteeing, whenever necessary, the prior consent of the holder of the personal data. As a rule, personal data is collected when the Customer subscribes to one of our products or services.

Some personal data are mandatory and, in the event of lack or insufficiency of such data, Climax will not be able to provide the product or service in question, so it will inform Customers of the mandatory nature of the provision of data.

Your data will only be processed if you make them available to the Climax, namely if you subscribe to the sending of newsletters, in which case the rules of this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy will apply.

The personal data collected is processed by computer and in strict compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data, being stored in a specific database created for this purpose and, under no circumstances, will the data collected be used for any purpose other than that for which consent has been given by the data subject.​


Who are the recipients of personal data?

Without prejudice to the recipients indicated throughout this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, the Climax may communicate the Customer/User's personal data, for the purpose of complying with contractual and legal obligations, namely to police, judicial, tax and regulators.


What are the purposes of processing personal data?​

In general, the personal data collected are intended for the management of the contractual relationship, the provision of contracted services, the adaptation of services to the needs and interests of the Client/User, namely for the purpose of accessing specific functionalities of the services, information actions and marketing, as well as the inclusion of the Customer in subscriber lists. Additionally, personal data may also be processed for the purposes of complying with legal obligations.


How long do we keep your personal data?​

The period of time during which the data is stored and maintained varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed.

Indeed, there are legal requirements that oblige to keep data for a minimum period of time. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated its collection or subsequent processing or, for the period of time authorized by the National Data Protection Commission , after which they will be deleted.​


​What are your rights as a holder?​

As holders of personal data, Customers and Users are guaranteed, at any time, the right to access, rectify, update, limit and erase their personal data (except for data that are indispensable for the provision of services by the Climax or for the compliance with legal obligations to which the controller is subject), the right to oppose their use for commercial purposes by the Climax and the withdrawal of consent, without this compromising the lawfulness of the treatment carried out under that consent, as well as the right to data portability.​


How can you access, rectify or oppose the processing of your personal data?​

​Without prejudice to the provisions of the RGPD, the holder of the personal data may do so, directly or upon written request, addressed to the respective Controller or Data Protection Officer, through the contacts provided for the purpose in this document.​


What measures does Climax take to ensure the security of your personal data?​

The Climax is committed to guaranteeing the protection of the security of the personal data made available to us, having approved and implemented strict rules in this matter. Compliance with these rules is an indeclinable obligation for all those who legally access them.

Bearing in mind the great concern and commitment that the Climax reveals in the defense of privacy issues, several security measures were adopted, of a technical and organizational nature, in order to protect the personal data made available to us against its dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, treatment or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of illicit treatment.

In this sense, on all our websites, the personal data collection forms require encrypted browser sessions, and all the personal data you give us about you are stored securely in the Climax systems, which, in turn, are located in a Datacenter in Portugal and covered by all physical and logical security measures, which we believe are indispensable for the protection of your personal data.

Notwithstanding the security measures adopted by the Climax, we are obliged to warn all those who browse the Internet that they must adopt additional security measures, namely, ensure that they use a PC and a Browser that are up-to-date in terms of properly configured security “patches”, with an active firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware and make sure the websites you visit on the internet are authentic, avoiding websites whose reputation you do not trust.​


Under what circumstances do we transfer your personal data to other entities?​

The Climax, within the scope of its activity, may use third parties to provide certain services. Sometimes, the provision of these services implies access, by these entities, to personal data of Customers and Users. When that happens, the Climax takes the appropriate measures, in order to ensure that the entities that have access to the data are reputable and offer the highest guarantees at this level, which is duly enshrined and safeguarded contractually between Climax and the third party(s) entity(ies).

Thus, any entity subcontracted by the Climax will process the personal data of our Clients and Users, in the name and on behalf of the Climax and adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures in order to protect the personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss accidental alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any other form of unlawful processing.

In any case, the Climax remains responsible for the personal data made available to it. The provision of certain services by the Climax may imply the transfer of your data outside Portugal, namely to France for billing purposes or otherwise. In such case, the Climax will strictly comply with the applicable legal provisions, namely regarding the determination of the suitability of such Country with regard to the protection of personal data and the requirements applicable to such transfers.


How do we use “cookies”?​

"Cookies" are small software labels that are stored on your computer through the browser (browser), retaining only information related to your preferences, not including, as such, your personal data.


How can you find out about any changes to the Climax privacy policy?​

The Climax reserves the right, at any time, to make adjustments or changes to this Privacy Policy, these changes being duly publicized on the respective website.

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